East Doncaster Secondary College is a rich, culturally diverse school. We strive to engage our students in a wide range of student leadership and co-curricular activities. It is our aim to promote a strong sense of teamwork and collaboration, enabling students to develop positive self-esteem and become resilient young people ready to participate in tomorrow’s world.

Our student leaders are respectful, trustworthy young citizens who are team orientated and involved in co-curricular activities. They are good citizens in our school.

Student Leadership is integral to the success of East Doncaster Secondary College.

Student Leadership at EDSC

East Doncaster Secondary College has worked vigorously over the past few years to build its Student Leadership profile and to ensure that we value the efforts of our student leaders and advocate for active student representation and involvement in the school community.

Students have the opportunity to select from a large number of academic and special interest clubs that run before school, at lunch and after school including:

Maths Club Chess Club Environment Club Debating Club
Pride Club Badminton Club Art/Anime Club K-pop Club
Tabletop Club Breakfast Club Homework Club Fitness Club
Table Tennis Club Computer Club Electronics Club Interact Club
Homework Club Maths Club Board Games Club Cooking Club
Student Voice Committee

We firmly believe that the development of a meaningful student voice is crucial within this process. We have sought to create effective structures and an open environment where students have confidence to take initiative by developing projects and ideas through opportunities such as the Student Leadership @ East Doncaster (SLED) team, and key roles such as School Captains, Vice-Captains and Middle School Captains, as well as other roles as outlined below:

Music Captains Performing Arts Captains Sport Captains
House Captains International Captains VCAL Captains
Class Captains Environment Captains Club Captains
Debating Captains Visual Arts Captains Event Planning
Interact Club VCE Committee Peer Support

We acknowledge that a positive learning environment is further enhanced when students feel secure, comfortable and supported. In such an environment, students are able to develop the skills, the resilience and the sense of common purpose and belonging that will enable them to grow as individuals and responsible members of that community. In short, we believe a positive learning community connects students to their school and a strong Student Leadership program is a key vehicle in allowing this to occur.