East Doncaster provides an individualised and interactive Careers Education Program supporting our students’ studies and future aspirations. Towards the end of Year 9, each student participates in a two day Careers and Pathways Program and in Year 10 they undertake a Managed Individual Pathways (MIPs) interview. Students complete two weeks of work experience.
Senior school students utilise career based profiling software that assists in the preparation of their Career Action Plan. Other pathway opportunities include Vocational Education & Training (VET) and TAFE Pathway & Taster Programs that focus on providing students with the information, resources and skills to make informed decisions about possible alternative pathways. Senior students enthusiastically participate in a school based Careers Expo as well as attend tertiary and industry institution sessions at our College. Year 12 students, with an invitation to their parents, all have an informative interview detailing VTAC processes and post secondary options.
We continue to be an active member of the Mullum Cluster and IMVC Cluster of schools that collectively provides a wide range of opportunities for students to undertake VET studies whilst still remaining at East Doncaster. Each of these studies provide a greater breadth of pathways for our students.
Senior School Students
Newsletters are a valuable resource in keeping up to date with careers. The latest newsletters include university and TAFE course information, VTAC procedures, open days and career profiles. Careers Newsletters are regularly posted on the college’s Compass Newsfeed and archived in Compass School Resources.
Parents and Students VTAC Briefing 2017
All the information you need from the college Parent and Student VTAC Briefings.
The MyFuture website provides information for students on career pathways. It’s the first step for students wanting to explore their post secondary options. Discover your strengths to help make the right career decisions for you.
Start exploring career pathways by selecting a learning area you enjoy.
Tax file number
Students will need a Tax File Number (TFN) when applying for work and enrolling at university or TAFE. If you are an Australian citizen, you can apply for a TFN at the Australian Taxation Office website.
Middle and Senior School
Box Hill Institute offers Year 9 and Year 10 students the opportunity to participate in their Pathways program one day per week for one semester. The Pathways program allows students to “taste” vocational study in a particular area in a TAFE environment.
The Institute also offers a range of VET in Schools programs to Year 10, 11 and 12 students. See program booklet below for details on both Pathways and VET in Schools. Students can visit the Careers Office for further information.